There are some common emergencies, and you know how to handle them. It’s essential to have a proper action plan ready when they happen.
What are the typical symptoms of a Dental Emergency?
-Any pain that wakes you up at night
– A gum infection
– Sensitivity to cold or hot liquids or sweets
– Pain from biting pressure
– Severe throbbing tooth pain
– Tissue swelling of the face
– Bleeding from the mouth
-A loss of filling or crown
– A loss of a tooth, a cracked, broken or chipped tooth, or an abscessed tooth
Toothache– There are many different types of toothache pain, from sudden and sharp to more of throbbing sensation. The cause can be anything from decay to a crack or infection. For temporary relief, try holding a warm cloth against your cheek, or a cool compress if your cheek is swollen. However, the only way to truly get rid of the pain is to call us and schedule an appointment. We will quickly address the issue and relieve your pain.