Tooth loss affects many aspects of everyday life. Restoring a beautiful and healthy smile has been made more accessible and more reliable with advances in dentistry. Extensive damage or loss of upper and lower teeth meant wearing uncomfortable dentures. When dental implants were developed, it made it possible for people to enjoy replacement teeth that were functionally the same as the natural teeth.
The All-On-Four concept uses two straight anterior implants as well as two implants tilted up to 45 degrees in the posterior. The posterior implants are tilted to utilize available bone and avoid grafting. The four implants are secured to the lower or upper jaw. The implants are then used to attach a new set of replacement teeth that give you a brand new smile.
These implants consist of several key elements:
- The denture consists of four dental implants in the jaw, which serve as anchorage points for a long-lasting denture.
- Four abutments above the gum where replacement teeth will be mounted.
- A row of complete replacement teeth.
- Retaining screw to connect the denture to the abutments and implants.
Are you a candidate for All on Four Dental Implants?
All-on-Four dental implants are only suitable for some. Getting individual implants would be a better solution if you are missing a tooth or have deteriorated teeth.
What are the Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants?
The benefits of all on 4 dental implants are significant and extensive.
- Dentures have a lower profile compared to removable dentures.
- The implantation procedure helps to limit progressive bone loss in the jaw.
- Teeth don’t need to be removed and are cared for just like natural teeth.
- There’s minimal risk of irritation and inflammation.
- Your bite will be natural, allowing you to enjoy food and speech just like you would with a full row of natural teeth.
Recovery Time
With traditional dentures, recovery takes 3 to 8 months. All-On-4 denture offers quick recovery because the implants start fusing to the bone and promote stability of the denture from the very first day. You can expect full function much sooner.
In the first hour after you stop bleeding, you will have the gauze packs placed on the areas of surgery. To keep them in place, bite down on the gauze. Unless you are still bleeding, you may be asked to remove the gauze within the first hour. On the first day, avoid doing anything that might irritate the tender areas. You should also avoid touching or rinsing the surgical areas. Brush with a soft toothbrush and don’t smoke. Keeping your mouth as clean as possible on the first day is highly recommended. The dentist will prescribe rinsing medication to keep the bacterial load in your mouth low. If after 24 hours you still have minimal bleeding, rinse your mouth with saltwater. You have to avoid exercise for at least 3 to 4 days after the procedure.
Will I be sedated during the procedure?
For the procedure to be relaxing and comfortable for you, conscious sedation is required. This helps to minimize pain and recover quickly after, unlike full sedation.
Ready to Start Smiling Again?
Book your complimentary consultation appointment to see if you’re a suitable candidate for the All-on-4 procedure.